🚀Senior Data Engineer, KomodoHealth
📸Photographer | 📱Technology &
🐶Pet Lover
M.Sc(Tech.) Information Systems
BITS Pilani, Goa
Graduated in June 2008
Spark, Hive
Python, SQL, C#
Data/Software Engineering
AIML, Advanced Analytics, & Business Intelligence
KomodoHealth, Remote
May'21 to present
Nike, Beaverton, OR
Sep'18 to May'21
Verizon, Irving, TX
Apr'16 to Aug'18
XPO Logistics, Portland, OR
Jan'11 to Apr'16
Tech Mahindra, Pune, India
Aug'08 to Jan'11
VeriSign Security, Bengaluru, India
Jan'08 to Jun'08
If you have an interesting opportunity in the Portland area,
can send / spam (🙁) him a message using the form below.
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